Isaiah 50: 1-7
For the LORD God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded.
Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be
ashamed Isiah 50:7
In the race of life, one of the principles that get you going and not failing or falling is DETERMINATION. Determination is the quality of being firm. It is to decide definitely what you want, then pursue it with all your mind irrespective of opposition or any contrary opinion or action.
Many give up too soon in the pursuit of their goals. Success is meant for those who would make up their mind to succeed and who would take steps and follow through what they have purposed to do to take them to their destination. You see, life is like a journey from point A to point B. You board a vehicle to take you from Point A to Point B. In between the road may be smooth. At some point, the road may have sharp bend that will slow down the vehicle; there may be pot holes or road failure; the vehicle may develop fault needing attention and time. Some human made danger may be on the road. Because you are determined to get to Point B, you deal with each situation as they arise. And then you move on until you get to your destination.
Between take-off and arrival, you are slowed down here and there, but you kept going. Why? Because you are determined to get to your destination! At arrival, it is sweet and the slow down factors would now look as if they were non-existent. What kept you going was your determination. You had the option of turning back but you did not.
When the chips are down, don’t give up. Keep your dreams. Pursue them. You have been let down at one point or the other? Those were your potholes and sharp bends on the road. They may slow you down or even stop you for a moment. Don’t give up. Get up and get going. The road may be rough. Get up and get going. There may be bandits on the way. Re-strategies and keep going. Those who make it in life are those that refuse to be discouraged by circumstances or opposition. Come on! Get up: Get going. Set your face to your destination. Deal with the slow down factors. Get going and you will soon get there.
PRAYER: I receive grace to pursue until I have conquered and recover all.