2 Kings 4: 18-37
And he said, wherefore wilt thou go to him today?It is neither the new moon, nor sabbath. And she saidit shall be well. . . Run now, I pray thee to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child? And she answered, it is well vs 23-26.
The story in today’s text is well known among believers. The Shunamite woman is a popular Bible Character. She was a prominent citizen of Shunem. She and her husband had gone out of their way to make life convenient for the man of God. At a point in time, their only child fell sick and died.
From the point of sending a message to her husband and getting to the man of God, her statement was “it shall be well” and “it is well”. Confronted with a dead child, she never confessed the negative. No hysterics. NO shouting to the husband. No crying when she got to the prophet. People that met her on the road only guessed that something was wrong but not what. Her language was positive. It is well! With an only child dead? It is well!
Beloved, we need to pay attention to what we say in the midst of setback situations. Mind your language if you must move from the negative to the positive. Do not confess what you are seeing. If you do, you are only confirming and empowering the negative to continue. Rather you should speak what you want to see. Let the weak say I am strong! Let the poor say I am rich. Remember, that “I AM” is one of the names of God. When you use “I AM”, you are bringing God into your situation. Ensure that what you call him to is to bring the positive. Say I am well. It is well. That is the way to go.
Let your language and speech reflect your expectation. As we have seen in the life of this Shunammite, She eventually got what she confessed. Irrespective of the circumstances, say it loud and clear, I AM not what I am going through. I AM moving forward. All is well with me in Jesus name.
MEDITATION: Let you conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ. Philippian 1:27