Isaiah 55: 1-13
A messenger is a person who carries a message or is employed to carry messages. In the corporate world, staff are appointed to attend to carry out messengerial duties within the office and from one office to another. He handles the assignment i. e. carries message from one person/office to another. His job is complete when he gives a feedback. Has it occurred to you that the Word of God is the messenger of God? Hear what the psalmist says
“He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions” Ps 107:20
When there was a need, God did not send angels or human being; He sent His Word. The word of God operates in dual capacity, the messenger as well as the message. Whether from the Bible; or from the pulpit or a still small voice from the Holy Spirit; when the voice comes unto you, it operates in those two roles. It is the messenger bringing you a message. As the message, it can be an instruction, counsel, guidance, command, warning or such like. As the messenger, it stays with you to help you do what you should and at the end of the assignment, goes back to God with a report! Hear what God says:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing what I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
So the word is not just sent to you for information only, but to accomplish (enforce, do or enable) the message. As a child of God, the word is your compass, strength, backbone and catalyst. When you receive it, act with it and pray for fulfilment. Remember Isaac in Genesis 26? The word came to him that he would inherit the land. So he shelved his plan to go to Egypt. He started working on the land and before long, he became successful and prominent. In his case, the Word prevailed over famine, opposition and lack.
MEDITATION: Acts 19:20