Luke 5: 1-7
It is a given that you are familiar with today’s text. We are introduced to Simon and friends as they encounter the Lord Jesus. At the beach, Jesus was preaching while fishermen came to wash their nets following the previous night’s fishing. Jesus borrowed Simon’s boat, sat down and ministered to the audience on the beach, after he was done, he instructed Simon to launch into the deep with his net for a catch. Simon expressed his skepticism thus: “We have toiled all night catching nothing; NEVERTHELESS, at your word, I will let down the net”. Simon did not believe anything could still happen that morning. But when he heard the word, he let down the net and the rest is history. He weighed the circumstances to the contrary and decided to go by the word. “We have laboured with nothing to show, but because you said so, we will give it another try”
In life, circumstances may not favour you or what you want to do, but if you trust the Word and you act based on the word, you will have a good reward. The word “nevertheless” was the key factor in Simon’s action. Every circumstance was negative – past failures and even present situation suggested zero harvest. Nevertheless means “despite anything to contrary”. The situation around suggests a negative outcome, but because Jesus had spoken, he took action.
Beloved, it is time to value the word above what you are going through. The word is the solution. It will instruct; guide; warn and give you direction. Trust it and you will have good results.
ACTION: In the midst of seemingly negative circumstances, what is the Word saying? Find out and follow the word.